Refuse plastic!

No More Plastic: A Journey Towards Sustainability

On April 21, 2024, I organized a book club to discuss the book No. More. Plastic. by Martin Dorey. To prepare for the event, I spent quite some time drafting a slide deck. Now I have translated the slides into Chinese. You can download the slides here: English Version Chinese Version Summary of My Slides A Book Recommendation Martin Dorey, an author, surfer, swimmer, cyclist, and environmentalist, wrote the book “No More Plastic....

May 31, 2024 · Xing Shi Cai

What Have I Done in 2021

In this year I moved from Sweden to Canada, and the back to Kunshan, China, where I started working at Duke Kunshan University. I also got a girlfriend recently. 😄 (2022 Update – The relationship didn’t last long. 😢) Although occasionally I had a bit egg or diary products when there is no choice, this year I am still mostly a vegan. This has been one of the best decisions of my entire life....

December 26, 2021 · Xing Shi Cai

A Pledge for a Low Waste Life

A Reckoning In recent years, plastic waste has got some of my attention. BBC’s hit documentary Blue Planet II (2017) shows me the horrific plastic pollution in our oceans. From another documentary The Story of Stuff, I learned how how the oil and plastic industry intentionally made us addicted to plastics. I also learned from a podcast by NPR (National Public Radio) that plastic recycling is more or less scam to keep us feeling OK about keep using plastics because they cannot really be recycled on a large scale....

September 20, 2021 · Xing Shi Cai