Women in Math and Computer Science Seminar

About the seminar The seminar has three purposes – Introduce research areas in mathematics and computer science to students of DKU (Duke Kunshan University) who would like to study in graduate school. Give student a sense of what is like to purse a PhD degree in a foreign country. Encourage female students to consider studying math and computer science. The seminar is designed to be accessible to students with only basic college level mathematics and computer science knowledge. ...

October 3, 2021 · 4 min · Xing Shi Cai

My Research

Research Interest I am interested in probability and combinatorics, including randomized algorithms, random graphs and random tree, in particular: Galton-Watson trees Binary search trees and split trees Random directed graphs Peer-to-peer computer networks Graph coloring I also like programming and using computer to experiment, prove, and teach mathematics. Occasionally I play with special functions. Publications You can find all my research papers on Zotero (most up-to-date), Google Scholar (slightly delayed), and arXiv. Here are some of my open source software projects on GitHub. ...

February 11, 2021 · 2 min · Xing Shi Cai