What is the Meaning of My Work

A friend ask me if I find any meaning in my work. Here’s my reply. Please forgive me for answering your question in English. I find it easier to express myself clearly in English, especially on more complex topics. You ask if I find it “meaningful” to write papers that few people might read. The short answer is “Yes.” The long answer, as usual, is more complicated. Will my research cure cancer, bring world peace, or entertain millions? No. Will it contribute to a technological breakthrough one day? It’s unlikely, though possible. ...

February 11, 2025 · 3 min · Xing Shi Cai

Why am I (still) an Academic?

Some students asked me why I decided to leave IT industry and become an academic. I think the real question is whether I think it is a good idea to try to become a professor. And the answer is a firm no. I must emphasize that I am not advocating for abolishing PhD programs. It is important for a society to push for advancement in science and humanity. What I meant is that for the vast majority of people, a career in academic is not a good choice. ...

October 25, 2021 · 2 min · Xing Shi Cai

Should you do a PhD in science?

Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels The joke A friend sent me an article titled Is Science a Pyramid Scheme? posted on viXra, an e-print archive. The abstract is as follows – A grievance expressed by some PhD students and Postdocs is that science works like a pyramid scheme: Young scientists are encouraged to invest into building scientific careers although the chances at remaining in science are extremely slim. … The super-prolific authors at the top of the pyramid … are usually heads of large institutes with many subgroups and large numbers of PhD students, while the bottom of the pyramid is populated by PhD students and Postdocs … A new index, the Ponzi factor, is proposed to quantify this phenomenon. ...

May 5, 2021 · 7 min · Xing Shi Cai