Can LLM break lines?

Testing using LLM to do automatic line breaks

I have a habit of manually inserting line breaks when I write. Usually, I do this at punctuation marks. When that’s not possible, I try to break at logical points. Since I am experimenting with what LLMs can do, I thought this could be a good test. I tried many models using the same system prompt: Please: - Adjust line breaks so that lines are neither too short nor too long. - Make sure each line has no more than 90 characters. - Preferably, add line breaks after punctuation marks such as periods or commas. - Always start a new line for a new sentence, i.e., after a period that ends a sentence. - If it's not possible to break lines at punctuation marks, break at logical points to maintain readability. - Preserve the original text structure but make the line breaks more readable. - Do not alter the content of the text, only adjust formatting with line breaks. - Return only the text with improved line breaks. Example: Original: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The dog, being lazy, does not respond. The journey took about thirty minutes and covered more than five kilometers without stopping. Corrected: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The dog, being lazy, does not respond. The journey took about thirty minutes and covered more than five kilometers without stopping. Note that I only tested each model once, so this is not scientific research. ...

October 4, 2024 · Xing Shi Cai